Saturday 6 October 2012

In Which Serpentine Gets A Blog

Well, here we have it. I have a blog. How excitement! And they've only been around for, what, 15 years now?
I was leery about getting one. For starters, a blog is very much like a diary, and I'm terrible at keeping diaries. I tried once when I was about 9. The longest entry read as follows:

Dear Diary,
Today was the worst day ever. First, Chrissy

...And that's it. So yeah, I don't leap very readily into a diary-like format, so frankly I don't know how long this thing is going to last.
If it does last, a lot of it will be taken up with me venting about various frustrating things, or just talking shit about crap that I don't really have anywhere else to talk about. Which brings me to the other reason why I was iffy about starting a blog: because there's a good chance I'll be talking about people I know, or feelings I have, or personal stuff I might be okay with one person knowing but not another. And the internet's written in ink; once it's out there, it's permanent.
How do I deal with that? Do I just not tell anyone I've got a blog? Sort of defeats the purpose, I guess, and I'm terrible about shutting up about this anyway. Do I fiddle with the security settings, and hope I can block certain people from reading specific things I've written like I've started doing on Facebook? Maybe, but I doubt the settings on here are that intricate. Or do I just suck it up, take responsiblity for my own words, and let whoever reads it read it and deal with the consequences?
I suppose that last one's probably the way I'll have to go. Eh, there'll probably only just be like two people who ever look at this thing anyway - if I ever even post anything. And a lot of the reason I want this thing is just to sort out my own thoughts on various things, and shape them into a comprehensive resource that, when the subject comes up, I can point to and say "this is what I think. All of it."

So. Here I am, Internet! Please be nice. Or at least amusing.

1 comment:

  1. I don't even READ blogs, I just read individual entries that people point me at. Wtf am I doing with a blog?


You don't have to be nice, but I do expect you to be coherent. I also request that if you think I've made a particularly angry, reactionary, or offensive post that you give me the benefit of the doubt and point it out to me fairly gently so I can review it when I've cooled down and change my wording or anything if necessary.